Hi! My name is Titilua Ikenasio, and I'm a 26-year-old living in Australia. As a Samoan woman, climate change and living sustainably are so important to me because the Pacific Islands are at the forefront of the climate crisis. Although I’m currently not living there, I try and support the fight against climate change in any way I can.

Here are a few ways I try to live a little more sustainably and reduce my impact on the Earth that you can try, too:

It's important to note that these are just things I do personally, and you can take whichever ideas are easily adaptable to your lives!

1.I try to use more eco-friendly products so the waste is not toxic to the environment.

2.When shopping, I opt for reusable items rather than single-use products.

3.I'm mindful about eating meat.

4.My family grows our own vegetables.

5.I try to buy less.

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We currently consume more resources than necessary, and it goes without saying that this is not a sustainable way to live. All the resources we use for our current lifestyles — from food to clothing to transport — are not infinite. At the rate we're using them, we're not giving the Earth enough time to replenish the materials. It may seem insignificant, but buying less and being more mindful of what you do buy can make a big difference. When shopping, I usually ask myself whether I really need the item. It could save the planet and your money in the long run!  

6.I'm aware of my energy consumption.

7.I use food scraps as compost.

8.I joined online share communities like Facebook Marketplace.

9.If I don't need to drive, I don't!

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This might have a few people groaning, but transportation accounted for the largest portion of total US greenhouse gas emissions last year. I’m not saying you should stop driving altogether, but being conscious about car usage or seeking alternative options on specific days could be a start. You could take a walk or ride a bike to your destination if possible, and this could also get your steps in for the day. If you can’t avoid transportation, taking public transport (if available in your area) could also help as it reduces the number of vehicles running at one time as well as things like traffic.  

10.We upcycle whenever possible!

11.My family doesn't buy single-use, plastic water bottles.

12.I try to buy high-quality items whenever possible because they last longer.

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This one can be a bit hard for many people because high-quality options are usually more expensive; however, I'm a big believer that they'll be worth it in the long run. High-quality options are often more durable and made with sustainable materials which means you won't need to replace them as often as cheaper, low-quality products. Also, you can often score some great quality items for cheap at thrift shops or Facebook Marketplace!

13.I reuse my plastic bags when shopping.

14.I try to use paper straws or metal straws where possible.

15.And finally, I joined a local group that advocates against corporate and government contributions to climate change.

Do you have any more tips on how to live more sustainably? Share them in the comments below!

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