Retirement marks a significant change in one’s financial lifestyle. With a fixed income and more time on their hands, retirees often focus on frugality, ensuring their savings last.

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Here are nine things that frugal retirees never waste money on, along with tips on how they manage their finances smartly.

High-End Brands for Everyday Items

Frugal retirees understand that high-end brands often charge for the name rather than the quality. For everyday items like clothing, kitchenware, or electronics, they opt for mid-range brands that offer the same functionality at a fraction of the price. Shopping during sales or at discount stores also helps them snag quality items without breaking the bank.

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Eating Out Frequently

Dining out can quickly drain a retiree’s budget. Frugal retirees limit restaurant visits for special occasions and prefer cooking at home. Not only is this cost-effective, but it also promotes a healthier lifestyle. They often plan meals, buy ingredients in bulk, and embrace leftovers to maximize their food budget.

Expensive Hobbies

While hobbies are essential for a fulfilling retirement, expensive ones can be a financial drain. Frugal retirees focus on hobbies that are low-cost or free. Gardening, hiking, volunteering, or joining community clubs are excellent ways to stay active and engaged without spending much.

Premium Cable Packages

In the age of streaming services, paying for a premium cable package can be unnecessary. Frugal retirees often cut the cable cord and opt for more affordable streaming services that offer the shows and movies they enjoy. Some even take advantage of free entertainment sources like public libraries and community events.

New Cars

A new car depreciates the moment it leaves the dealership. Frugal retirees avoid this financial pitfall by purchasing used cars in good condition. They look for reliable models with low mileage and a history of minimal repairs. This approach saves them a significant amount on both the purchase price and insurance costs.

Full-Priced Travel

Traveling can be a significant part of retirement, but it doesn’t have to be expensive. Frugal retirees plan trips during off-peak seasons, use reward points for flights and hotels, and prefer rentals over expensive resorts. They also explore local destinations, embracing the beauty and culture closer to home.

Impulse Purchases

Frugal retirees avoid impulse buys. They stick to a shopping list and give themselves a cooling-off period for large purchases. This approach helps them distinguish between wants and needs, avoiding unnecessary expenses that can add up over time.

High Investment Fees

With a focus on preserving their nest egg, frugal retirees are wary of high investment fees. They prefer low-cost index funds or ETFs and often consult with a financial advisor to ensure their investment strategy aligns with their retirement goals and risk tolerance.

Excessive Home Maintenance Costs

Owning a large home can lead to high maintenance costs. Many frugal retirees downsize to a smaller, more manageable home, reducing expenses on utilities, taxes, and upkeep. They also prefer doing minor repairs themselves, saving money on professional services.

Editor's note: This article was produced via automated technology and then fine-tuned and verified for accuracy by a member of GOBankingRates' editorial team.

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This article originally appeared on GOBankingRates.com: 9 Things Frugal Retirees Never Waste Money On

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