Living in a major city can often feel like a constant tug-of-war between your wallet and your wish list. High costs of living, endless entertainment options and the allure of gourmet food at every corner can quickly derail even the best-laid financial plans.

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But, thriving in an urban jungle without breaking the bank is totally possible. Here’s how you can enjoy the vibrant city life without letting your budget spiral out of control.

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Embrace Public Transport and Biking

One of the first secrets to unlocking a frugal city life is ditching your car. Parking, gas and maintenance costs can drain your finances faster than you can say “rush hour.”

Instead, get familiar with local public transportation. Buses, trains and subways are not only more affordable but also allow you to catch up on reading or podcasts during your commute.

And for shorter distances? Unleash the power of biking or walking. It’s free, great for your health and you get to bypass traffic jams. It’s a win-win-win!

Find the Freebies

Cultivating a rich social and cultural life doesn’t have to come with a hefty price tag. Cities are treasure troves of free entertainment and activities if you know where to look.

From art galleries offering free entry nights to public concerts and festivals, there’s always something happening that won’t cost a dime. Keep an eye on community boards, local Facebook groups and city event calendars as these resources are goldmines for free or discounted events.

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Get Smart About Grocery Shopping

The convenience of city living comes with a temptation to dine out or order takeout frequently. While this can be a nice treat, making it a habit can quickly deplete your bank account.

Resist the urge to eat out and become a savvy grocery shopper. Look for local markets or stores that offer discounts on bulk purchases. Planning your meals for the week and sticking to a shopping list can also prevent impulse buys and reduce waste.

Share and Swap

Living in close quarters with millions of others has its perks, including the ease of sharing and swapping. Whether it’s sharing a Netflix account with roommates, swapping books with neighbors or joining a local clothing swap event, there are numerous ways to enjoy things without owning them outright.

Doing this helps save money and gets you engaged in your community. Better yet, sharing helps reduce waste. Keep an eye out for local swap groups or sharing circles — your wallet and the planet will thank you.

Rethink Your Living Situation

Rent can be a financial black hole in any major city. If you’re willing to get creative, there are several ways to reduce this cost.

Consider having roommates to split the bills, living in a less trendy neighborhood with lower rent prices or even exploring co-living spaces. Some people find house-sitting opportunities or become resident managers in exchange for reduced rent.

Evaluate your priorities and see where you can compromise for the sake of your budget.

Embrace Minimalism

Living frugally means prioritizing what truly matters to you. Adopting a minimalist mindset can help you resist the constant bombardment of consumer culture.

Before making a purchase, ask yourself if it’s something you really need or if it’s just a fleeting desire. Investing in quality over quantity not only keeps more money in the bank but also reduces clutter in your living space.

Editor's note: This article was produced via automated technology and then fine-tuned and verified for accuracy by a member of GOBankingRates' editorial team.

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This article originally appeared on Living Frugally in the City: 6 Secrets to Living Well for Less in a Major City

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