Trouble sleeping, changes in appetite, social withdrawal, high blood pressure and digestive problems. These are just some of the impacts that chronic stress can have on our health and behavior, according to Kiffer Card, an assistant professor in social behavior and mental health at Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, Canada.

"Chronic stress is unrelenting," Card told Newsweek. "The body is constantly on high alert, leading to prolonged exposure to stress hormones" that increase heart rate, blood pressure and glucose levels.

Whether the stressor is work, money, relationships or serious illness, the problem is widespread. In a survey of more than 3,000 U.S. adults for the American Psychological Association in 2022, 76 percent said they had suffered health problems caused by stress in the previous four weeks. The most common issues were headaches, fatigue, feeling nervous or anxious and feeling depressed or sad.

Even more alarming, more than a quarter of adults reported that "most days they are so stressed they can't function." For those under 35, the figure rose to 46 percent.

What can we do to reduce stress in our lives? Newsweek asked experts for their advice.

Set Boundaries With Stressors

"Prioritize commitments that align with your goals and values. Protect your leisure and recovery time with the same level of dedication as your work time," Nichole Barta, an associate professor of kinesiology and sport management at Gonzaga University in Washington state, told Newsweek.

"Recovery and leisure time are essential for maintaining a sustainable level of productivity in all aspects of your life.

"Be realistic about how long tasks take and avoid over-committing yourself. Consider factors like travel time and transition periods when scheduling appointments and meetings. By allowing yourself enough time to complete tasks without feeling rushed, you can avoid the stress that comes with a lack of time."

Take Time To Rest and Recover

Turning off our brains is essential, Barta added.

"Just as our bodies have physical limits, so do our minds when it comes to handling cognitive and emotional workloads. Scheduling breaks throughout the day can help you recharge and gather the resources that you need to sustain focus and motivation. Going too long without breaks can put you on the path to burnout," she said.

Brittany Harker Martin, an associate professor researching the relationship between art, the brain and cognition at the University of Calgary in Canada, advised taking a look at your laptop and cellphone settings.

"You have the power to manage pop-ups, cookies and other tech-triggers that frequently interrupt your thoughts," she told Newsweek.

"Take the time to opt out of unwanted settings and don't get sucked into skipping options because it is easier. Cookie notifications, for example, are designed to block you from doing what you want so you 'allow all' to get on with it. Pause to review cookie settings and only allow what you are comfortable with. You may be shocked to see what you have been allowing until now."

Hobbies that involve your hands are also a great way to unwind, according to Martin.

"Research shows activities requiring hand-eye coordination, such as painting, crocheting, or sketching, for about 15-20 minutes can facilitate a mental shift into healthy mental states. Setting the timer to do something that gets your hands and eyes working together away from screens, like coloring books or puzzles, can help you practice mental shifting in a way that you can feel more empowered," she said.

Meet Friends

Spending time with friends and family is vital. "Social relationships help buffer us against the effects of stress," said Card.

"Our friends and family can provide us with emotional support and advice to deal with our situations and environments. They can help encourage us to lead more healthy lifestyles. They can support us through difficult, but necessary changes. The mere presence of another person in our lives can lower our stress response and promote better physiological functioning."

This is because our brains have evolved to rely on social interaction, so a lack of it can make you feel worse.

"Having a healthy social world is critical for brain health: social connections are at the root of what it means to be a human. Prioritizing the development of healthy social relationships is critical," said Card.

Healthy relationships are the key. "Lots of our stress comes from relationships, so learning which people in your life help you thrive and which people drain you is critical to your well-being. Everybody should be thinking carefully about their social lives as they are probably more important than any other domain."

Stay Active

"Physical activity stimulates the production and release of endorphins," Card said. It also reduces stress hormones. It increases self-confidence and self-efficacy. In the past several years, study after study highlights that so much of our poor physical health arises from our unnaturally sedentary lifestyles. Our bodies don't work if we don't use them."

More Everyday Tips

Theresa Larkin, an associate professor in the science of stress at the University of Wollongong in New South Wales, Australia, told Newsweek that stress could also be kept at bay with "meditation and mindfulness; cognitive behavioral therapy with a psychologist … time in nature; exercise, good diet and good sleep."

Time in nature is also on the list of "quick wins" suggested by Paul Levy, a senior lecturer in innovation management at the University of Brighton in the U.K.

"First, check your emails and messages just three times a day with a nice cuppa and turn off all notifications and alarms for at least some hours of the day," he told Newsweek.

"Put up some protections at certain times of the day and turn off the phone. Just because the phone is ringing doesn't mean you have to answer it all the time. And it is better to resolve conflict face to face than through raging text conversations," he said.

He added: "Do some regular physical exercise even just for a few minutes and get your head clear.

"Get out into nature if you can, even if it's just a walk in the local park because there is more than enough evidence that this is a stress reducer."

Another important tactic is to "make your money management simpler and don't put your head in the sand over any financial worries."

Finally, Levy said, "make a list of all the things that irritate you. Making some simple changes in your life can cut down the irritation and calm you down. What triggers you? What makes you tut? How can you avoid those triggers in the first place?"

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